Category Archives: John chapter 1

The Gospel of John Chapters 1 – 2

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee

We have begun the study of the Gospel according to John. We wish we knew it was according to John, but reality is that the writers were ascribed AFTER the fact. Still, there is a good chance this was written by the disciple John himself or one of his disciples recording what John had taught them.

This gospel, which means “Good News” is full of contrasts: Light and dark; Heaven and earth; descending and ascending; evil and good. There are also many phrases that are used over and over again. When you read this gospel try to underline some of these contrasts and other special words in different colored pencils. Look for the words “witness” or “Testimony”. Look for the sayings that Jesus frequently says in this gospel such as “Truly, truly I say to you….” Look for the “I am” statements that Jesus says. Many of these sayings are only found in this gospel.

As with each gospel telling the life story of Jesus, this gospel, after the spectacular “In the beginning was the word” poetry, takes us to the Sea of Galilee. It is here where Jesus calls his disciples. We hear Nathaniel ask, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Not only has something good come out of Nazareth, but that something good is God in the flesh. This gospel is always pointing to Jesus, always pointing to who this man really is, God in the flesh, Emmanuel, the Son of Man! We will see a series of 7 miracles that are part of the “signs and wonders,” another set of words used frequently by John, that will point to who this historical figure truly is.

You are invited to join along as we make these discoveries together. Last week we began in chapters 1-2. This week we will pick up in chapter 3 – 6. Join us in a video conference, Tuesday night, August 12 at 9 pm. Please click this URL to start or join.
Or, go to and enter meeting ID: 204 416 397

See you on-line,

Pastor Sarah