Category Archives: Mt. Airy

The Gospel of John Chapters 1 – 2

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee

We have begun the study of the Gospel according to John. We wish we knew it was according to John, but reality is that the writers were ascribed AFTER the fact. Still, there is a good chance this was written by the disciple John himself or one of his disciples recording what John had taught them.

This gospel, which means “Good News” is full of contrasts: Light and dark; Heaven and earth; descending and ascending; evil and good. There are also many phrases that are used over and over again. When you read this gospel try to underline some of these contrasts and other special words in different colored pencils. Look for the words “witness” or “Testimony”. Look for the sayings that Jesus frequently says in this gospel such as “Truly, truly I say to you….” Look for the “I am” statements that Jesus says. Many of these sayings are only found in this gospel.

As with each gospel telling the life story of Jesus, this gospel, after the spectacular “In the beginning was the word” poetry, takes us to the Sea of Galilee. It is here where Jesus calls his disciples. We hear Nathaniel ask, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Not only has something good come out of Nazareth, but that something good is God in the flesh. This gospel is always pointing to Jesus, always pointing to who this man really is, God in the flesh, Emmanuel, the Son of Man! We will see a series of 7 miracles that are part of the “signs and wonders,” another set of words used frequently by John, that will point to who this historical figure truly is.

You are invited to join along as we make these discoveries together. Last week we began in chapters 1-2. This week we will pick up in chapter 3 – 6. Join us in a video conference, Tuesday night, August 12 at 9 pm. Please click this URL to start or join.
Or, go to and enter meeting ID: 204 416 397

See you on-line,

Pastor Sarah

A Future With Hope ~ Sandy Relief Mission Day Two

We have just had another day of great day of accomplishments. We have also had many God sightings. One of the sightings that resonated with some of our team members was seeing a worm. You might ask, “What does a worm have to do with rebuilding hope for people’s lives?” The answer is, “everything!”

Our homeowner took great joy in her flowers and garden before the storm. As we were raking debris from her former garden and filling it with dirt and rebuilding a stone wall, she spoke longing for this sorely missed garden beauty. We dug up a few random, unidentifiable bulbs which had not bloomed this year. As we worked together she relayed a story from past years of telling her grandson not to buy worms for fishing because her rich soil had plenty of worms. She then sadly recounted how she had seen none since the storm. Not ten minutes later I, Nan, dug up a fat and very much alive earthworm. What delight filled her face and her voice! Joy and hope presented itself as a big, fat juicy earthworm! We carefully covered him back up and were grateful for this harbinger of good times to come. Hope comes in many forms, even in the form of earthworms!

Hope continued to come alive as our team finished more and more of the inside of the home. It is beginning to look like it might be habitable within a week or a little longer. Many of us had sore knees after having finished laying down hard wood floors. We began to tile out the bathroom, we hung some more doors, and put trim around windows and doors. She also had three windows that were not operable, they are now fully functioning windows.

Thanks for your continued prayers.














Nehemiah Chapter 1~Casting Vision with Nehemiah

I was cup bearer to the king! Nehemiah chapter one paints a picture for us of who this man was, and who God was calling him to be. The fact that he was the cup bearer to the king is very significant for us, for it gives us a clue to his status.

The cup bearer had access: It was as if he had an “all access backstage pass” to an event that is monumental in history. The cup bearer also had “top secret security clearance.” He had been through all the lie detector tests and passed all the questionnaires. After all, the cup bearer was also the one who would take a hit for the king, for often he might have to taste the wine first to ensure it had not been tampered with.

Nehemiah as the cup bearer had a good life; he had all that he needed. Why then should he bother to get involved with something that clearly was not his business? The answer to that question is three fold:

1) He got involved because God broke his heart. In the beginning we see him weep over the news that he received.

2) He got involved because God called him out. Through fervent prayer and fasting God began to reveal a plan, and that plan involved a huge change and a willingness for Nehemiah to risk it all.

3) Finally, Nehemiah was willing to risk it all because through his fervent prayer and time of fasting Nehemiah saw a vision, cast by God, for God’s people. This vision was bigger than he was and it was more than he could handle on his own. In his prayer Nehemiah admitted that God could do anything, that anything included a plan that would take Nehemiah to far away places. Like James Bond, it would lead him into danger and possible death, yet he said yes. Nehemiah moved forward to risk it all. Nehemiah asked God’s favor upon the request he was about to make to the king. We hear the end of his prayer, “Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man. I was the cup bearer to the king.”

When are we willing to risk it all? When are we willing to live into God’s vision that is bigger than anything we could ever imagine? When do we experience “hearts that can break?”

This week at TUMC we begin a five week sermon series on Nehemiah entitled, “Casting Vision with Nehemiah.” I pray you can reflect on these questions this week as we prepare to dig deeper.

Personally, I have been asking God to give me a heart that can break, and I have failed miserably. We will talk more about that on Sunday. I am praying for another chance. How about you?


TUMC Creation Story

Today we told the story of the genesis of TUMC. Every church has a beginning, which ultimately started from Jesus’ command to, “Go make disciples.” (Matthew 28) Some churches remember better than others that we exist for those outside the church. You see, as we grow and prosper we begin to turn inward, forgetting that we exist for those outside the walls of the church.

Today as we watched our “Year in Review Video” we remembered why we are here. We are here to serve and love as Jesus served and as Jesus loves.

It is a great honor and privilege for me to serve here at TUMC where we have a congregation full of servants. Thank you for the opportunity to be here among you, it is truly a blessing. As you watch this 12 minute video be thinking of the vision that Jesus gives us, to continue to serve in the world for nothing less than full transformation in the name of Jesus.

Finally, if you missed today’s message you may find it here. (Click on July 7th.) It is chocked full of scripture given by fellow members who believe these scriptures embody who we are as a church family.

Many Blessings,

Pastor Sarah

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School isn’t about us, its about the community kids in the neighborhood who don’t have an opportunity to go to church. Yes, there are a variety of kids who show up, but this is an extended ministry of the church, for all children.  VBS gives a sense of belonging not only to the church, but more importantly to God. This is a time when kids get to hear the Good News: God is whispering your name; You are loved; God created you with a purpose. This is indeed not only Good News for our children, but we adults need to hear these messages over and over again as well. We are loved by God. Perhaps the most important message we can hear are the words “Jesus loves me, this I know!”

VBS at TUMC this year will be based on the theme of God’s Backyard Bible Camp Under the Stars. Kids will learn about serving and loving our neighbors. Kids will have the opportunity to learn songs, make crafts and hear about God’s love for them.

Register your child now for VBS, which begins on June 17th. We begin with a meal for the family at 6 pm. The kids will break off in their groups at 6:30. Parents are invited to have dessert with the Pastor while the kids learn how much God loves the little children.

Registration forms can be found here.