Category Archives: tumc creation story

TUMC Creation Story

Today we told the story of the genesis of TUMC. Every church has a beginning, which ultimately started from Jesus’ command to, “Go make disciples.” (Matthew 28) Some churches remember better than others that we exist for those outside the church. You see, as we grow and prosper we begin to turn inward, forgetting that we exist for those outside the walls of the church.

Today as we watched our “Year in Review Video” we remembered why we are here. We are here to serve and love as Jesus served and as Jesus loves.

It is a great honor and privilege for me to serve here at TUMC where we have a congregation full of servants. Thank you for the opportunity to be here among you, it is truly a blessing. As you watch this 12 minute video be thinking of the vision that Jesus gives us, to continue to serve in the world for nothing less than full transformation in the name of Jesus.

Finally, if you missed today’s message you may find it here. (Click on July 7th.) It is chocked full of scripture given by fellow members who believe these scriptures embody who we are as a church family.

Many Blessings,

Pastor Sarah