Category Archives: Joseph

The Story Chapter 3- Post Sermon

Today as we studied Joseph’s story together, we saw, once again, how his lower story is part of God’s bigger story, part of God’s ultimate plan. If you missed today’s sermon, click here and then go to sermons.

In worship we spoke of a local football hero who has also come to realize that his story is part of God’s bigger plan. Ray Lewis learned from his incarceration that God had a bigger plan for him, and he needed to live into that life that God has blessed him with. If you missed that clip, you may watch it here, begin at 1:30 and go until 2:00.

Joseph could have chosen his own agenda. He could have chosen to do his “own thing.”  He could have chosen to not forgive his brothers. How would this story have been different if Joseph had chosen differently?

We have choices too. We can choose to forgive when we are betrayed by family, or we can chose to move forward, with God’s help, empowered by the Holy spirit. This is not an easy path, but God provides ways so that in the midst of our stories we can be transformed into something more than we could ever be on our own. What path will you chose?