The Story Chapter 29 Reflection Questions

Paul was now using his zeal to share the Good news about Jesus. Paul and Barnabas were set apart to be missionaries to the gentiles. Watch his pattern when he entered each new city. How did he begin addressing the people to tell them the Good News? Use these questions for reflection for this week’s lessons.

  1. God set apart Saul (Paul) and Barnabas for foreign mission work (p. 337) to help fulfill the mandate to be witnesses “to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 1:8).  Review the list of missionaries supported by our church.  Read about each and pray for the needs that are listed for each one.
  2. What differences do you find in Paul’s message to the Jews in the synagogue (p. 338, 339) as compared to his message to the Gentiles (p. 340, 342)?   Discuss applications we might make today for reaching different people groups with the same gospel.
  3. Compare the conversions of Lydia and the jailer at Philippi (p. 341-342).  What differences do you find?  What similarities?
  4. What makes the Church in Thessalonica “a model to all the believers,” (p. 344-345; 1 Thess. 1:1-2:8) and what application can we make for our church if we want to be known as a model church?
  5. What problem seems to be at the root of the divisions and quarrels in the Church at Corinth? (p. 351, 1 Cor. 1:10-13, 3:1-11) Do you see any lessons here for our church?
  6. Read 1 Cor. 12, Rom. 12:3-8, and Eph. 4:1-7, 11-16.  Why is the human body a good metaphor for the church and how does it relate to spiritual gifts?
  7. According to Paul’s letter to the Galatians, does freedom from the law grant freedom to sin (p. 355-357, Gal. 5:13-26)?  What are some results of living by the Spirit?
  8. What is the relationship between righteousness and faith and why do you suppose Paul used Abraham to prove his point?  (Hint: The Jews placed their trust in keeping the Law and the fact that they had been circumcised.)
  9. Of all the books in the Bible, Paul’s letter to the Romans most clearly outlines a pattern we can follow to lead a person to Christ.  It shows man’s lost condition and makes clear what we must do to receive what God has done to correct our sad condition.  This collection of verses has often been called “the Romans Road to salvation.”  Trace the following verses, perhaps even marking them in your Bible.  Romans 3:23à 3:10-11à 6:23 à 5:8 à 10:9-13 à 5:1, 8:1, 8:38-39.  In 25 words or less, what are the essentials of the gospel?  (Hint:  Review 1 Cor. 15:3-4)  How do you think the Romans Road could help you share your faith in the future?

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Posted on April 11, 2013, in #hopeintville, Bible study, Faith in God, Jesus followers, The Story, UMC and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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